GSSA Capitol Report – Day 21

This was a lighter and slower day day than yesterday.  HB 385 which is the Governor’s return to work bill was voted on and sent for further study.  This bill will have to wait until next year to move due to the financial study requirement that all retirement bills must go through before they can move forward.

*This bill allows certified teachers to return to work after sitting out for one year in a predetermined area of need as designated by the local RESA.

*The teacher will draw their retirement and accrue no additional time if they choose to return under this bill.

*The local school district must pay the employer and employee portion of TRS.

Other key legislation:

HB 60 the voucher bill lies in wait and we are anticipating to hear about its status in a day or two.

SB 153 will be heard in Senate Ed by Friday.  This bill proposes a reduction in funding to GOAL Academies.

HB 32 will provide a tax credit for new teachers in rural districts that are performing in the lowest 5%.  This bill passed House Ed but has been recommitted to House Ways and Means. (where most tax bills are reviewed)

The Senate chamber spent most of their time debating voting integrity bills.  All passing along party lines.  Republicans hold a significant majority in the Senate.  (35-18 majority)

Legislative day 22 is February 24, 2021.

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