Day 32/40 begins with HB 147 on the floor of the Senate. The House just took up a handful of bills no education related legislation. Although, the session is moving plodding toward the finish line it appears we are experiencing the quiet before the pace quickens. We did see the Governor sign the AFY 23 budget. Click here for AFY23 tracking doc
SB 147 – Sen. Mike Hodges Gov’s Floor Leader of the Golden Isles carried the Governor’s Safe Schools Act that came over from the House chamber to the Senate. After his presentation of the bill that requires each school to conduct and intruder drill once a year by October 1. There is an opt out of students being involved in the actual drill under certain circumstances. GEMA and Homeland Security agencies will provide guidance as necessary and receive the annual report from each local school district. There will also be an anti-gang and school safety training program developed by GEMA, Homeland Security, DJJ, and Georgia Public Training Safety Center that will provide an endorsement through the Professional Standards Commission for certificated personnel. The bill has passed both chambers and now moves on to the Governor’s desk.
House Education Sub committee:
SB 32 Alyssa’s Law – Sen. J. Anivatarte – Implement a mobile panic alert system that integrates with local law enforcement and the 911 system. If the local district already has an alert system in place that accomplishes and meets these requirements, they will not be required to purchase a new system. DOAS will provide guidance on the procurement of multiple vendors for school districts to consider. Passed out fo subcommittee and now moves to the full House Ed committee.
SB 45 – AJ’s Law – Sen. J. Anivartarte – This requires an epilepsy/seizure action plan in each school.There area some guidelines that one teacher from each grade will be trained. Passed the sub committee and moves to the full House Ed committee.
SB 170 – Students and Teachers SPEAK Act – Sen J Albers requires the state Board of Education to have a student ex-officio member in an advisory capacity during public meetings and encourages local districts to follow suit. No action taken. Hearing only.
SB 169 – Sen C. Payne – provides limitations on how long student discipline tribunals can be delayed. This also requires student to be provided age appropriate assignments during their suspension while awaiting their tribunal date. As we all know, the federal due process law requires the hearing to be conducted within 10 days but this bill allows for an extension of 5 additional days if it is mutually agreed upon by parent and school. It is unclear that the parent could possibly request an extension indefinitely without the school system having any authority in questioning the parent’s request. I believe this was not considered or poorly worded in the bill -that creates this possibility. No action taken. Hearing only.
SB 50 Sen Max Burns – permits local school boards to provide lifeguard and aquatic safety courses for grades 9-12. This is optional for local districts. One could earn 1/2 credit and is an elective. Schools are encouraged to partner with local community organizations to gain access to pools. The purpose is to increase the opportunities for young people to possibly earn lifeguard certification. Passed. Goes to full House committee.
SR 175 – Sen Matt Brass – creates a Joint Study Committee on the popular Dual Enrollment for Highly Skilled at Younger Ages. This is a partner bill to SB 86 which expands the Hope Grant to 10th graders to pursue CTAE and Career Academies pathways.
Much more to come this week! Have a good night.