I would like to focus on the FY25 budget since the House passed HB 916 (budget) on the floor today. The Governor’s recommended budget is very favorable to K-12 Public Education. Here are some of the highlights.
FY 25 Recommended Budget:
$367,862,211 – $2500 added to the state salary schedule effective September 1, 2024.
$243,550,636 – Training/Experience and Enrollment Growth
$242,421,120 – $1760 PMPM Health Insurance effective July 1, 2024.
$1,022,847,489 – Equalization
$52,808,418 – GNETS
$104 million – School Safety grants
$205 million – Student Transportation
Some additional details:
- $200K for adaptive sports programs
- $320K for one STEM International Baccalaureate (IB) exam to all students and one IB exam for free and reduced-paying lunch students
- $13 Million to increase funds for computer science professional development.
- $362K to provide one-time grant funds for CPR training and equipment, including AEDs, for student health and safety
Appropriations Chair Matt Hatchett highlighted the additional funding for International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, for heavy equipment simulators, to expand the Apex Program for mental health in schools, and a surprise addition for free and reduced student meals before the FY25 budget passed out of the full committee. House Rules will determine when it comes to the House Floor. Go to pages 46-53 where the education portion of the budget is located. House FY25 budget tracking document Click HERE.
Today’s session saw minimal action on bills in the Senate and the House took more time on the floor to hear and approve the FY25 budget 170-1. It now moves to the Senate for their review.
We will continue to watch the budget continue to go through the process on the Senate side. I would not expect too many changes but each chamber likes to put their fingerprints on the budget. Day 32 is scheduled for Friday, March 8th.
Have a good afternoon!