New Superintendent Induction Program

The Georgia School Superintendents Association is excited to introduce an array of expanded services and support structures for new superintendents called the Superintendent Induction Program (SIP).  In the first year, it is imperative that new superintendents establish strong governance practices and focused strategic directions as well as build relationships and trust among stakeholder groups.  This important work requires certain skills and abilities and opportunity for collaboration.

Understanding the time demands required of superintendents, the Superintendent Induction Program is designed to maximize time efficiency by having workshops in conjunction with existing conferences.  Also, webinars will be incorporated to decrease the need for time outside districts, while still providing collaborative networking opportunities for the cohort.  Although the power of the cohort will be in establishing a network among new superintendents, agendas will be provided in advance of each training event, so participants can choose whether to join the session.  The program will include the following support and services:

  • * Executive Leadership Coaching (1.5 years)
  • * New Superintendent Orientation (2 days) – September 09-10, 2024 @ Holiday Inn Macon North
  • * DISC Assessment
  • * Webinar Series (Minimum of 3)
    • – Peer Collaboration
    • – Group Coaching
    • – Topics of Interest
  • * Pre-Conference Workshops (3)
    • – Fall Bootstrap Conference – October 15, 2024
    • – Winter GAEL Conference – January 26, 2025
    • – Spring Bootstrap Conference – April 15, 2025



Tuition: $750

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