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Category: Capitol Reports
February 12, 2024

GSSA Capitol News – Day 19

Day 19 saw two House Subcommittee meetings quickly moved on a few bills to pass them to the full House…

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February 11, 2024

GSSA Capitol News – Day 16-18

This week was very active with bills moving either through committee or on the floor of each chamber.  Just remember…

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February 9, 2024

GSSA Capitol News – Day 15

The fifteenth legislative day fell on Tuesday, February 6, 2024.  There begins to be some movement of bills out of…

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February 5, 2024

GSSA Capitol News – Day 14

Day 13 saw two reasonably good bills pass for K-12 Public Education.  Both were heard in the House Education Committee…

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February 5, 2024

GSSA Capitol News – Day 13

Today clicked off legislative day 13.  It was Dyslexia Day at the Capitol and many supporters crowded the halls of…

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January 31, 2024

GSSA Capitol News – Day 12

We need to watch two bills that were moved today-one through the House Public Health Committee and One through the…

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March 28, 2023

GSSA 2023 Capitol Report, Leg Day 39

Day 39 was a day of waiting on the shoe to drop but it never came on SB 233.  Instead there…

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March 24, 2023

GSSA 2023 Capitol Report, Leg Day 38

Day 38 was a wild ride with the focus on SB 233 Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (voucher) was added to…

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March 22, 2023

GSSA 2023 Capitol Report, Leg Day 37

Day 37 was a day full of last minute shenanigans with fits and starts when it comes to passing legislation.…

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March 20, 2023

GSSA 2023 Capitol Report, Leg Day 36

Day 36 was a day of single focus for legislators more specifically the House Education Policy Subcommittee. SB 233 the voucher…

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