District Office Professional Development Program

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District Office leadership matters! Studies indicate that superior leadership within a school district’s office has a direct correlation to increased student achievement. GSSA’s District Office Professional Development Program is a one-year course of study designed to enhance the individual and collective leadership capacity of the district office, while supporting the superintendent’s ability to accomplish system-wide goals.  Program strands include strategic leadership, change leadership, interpersonal leadership and organizational leadership.

The District Office Professional Development Program is designed for members of the superintendent’s central office staff and principals. Interested Georgia leaders are encouraged to apply for the District Office Professional Development Program. A committee selected by GSSA will oversee the selection of twenty-five participants.

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The Georgia School Superintendents Association (GSSA) is proud to sponsor an exciting, innovative, and challenging leadership program. A one-year program, the District Office Professional Development Program is targeted for district office leaders and those who aspire to District Office leadership. To access a letter describing the application procedures, application fee, click here.

Persons interested program tuition and schedule for the 2024 – 2025 District Office Professional Development Program in applying to the District Office Professional Development Program (DOPDP) are required to submit the following:

    1. Application Form (click here)– The signature of the applicant’s system superintendent, endorsing participation if selected, is required.
    1. Resume Form (click here)– Additional resume pages will not be considered.
    1. Request for Recommendation Form (click here)– This form should be sent to two individuals who are thoroughly familiar with the applicant, both personally and professionally. Once completed, the forms should be emailed to Keith Porter at klporter112@gmail.com.
  1. Application Fee — A $500 application fee is required and helps defray a portion of the cost of assessment activities. Applicants may submit a system check, personal check, or system purchase order. Checks and purchase orders will be returned if applicants are not selected for participation.
  2. DOPDP Schedule (click here)

The deadline for submission of applications is Friday, August 2, 2024.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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