GSSA Capitol News – Day 14

Day 13 saw two reasonably good bills pass for K-12 Public Education.  Both were heard in the House Education Committee and both received -do pass.

House Education Committee passes two bills:

HB 941 – Chairman Erwin – Pre-K facilities assignment will now allow local districts to house a Pre-K program and earn entitlement dollars from the state facilities program.  This is a very positive shift in policy.

HB 987 – Rep. Chas Cannon – EQUALIZATION – Allows the current 14-mill threshold to qualify for equalization funding to move to 10 mills.  Currently, 128 districts receive equalization funding. This means 52 do not qualify nor receive equalization funding.  Under this legislation, if the school system sets its millage below 10 mills it stands to lose 25% of its equalization funding. Under the current property assessment values in Georgia, this is a positive shift in favor of flexibility when setting millage rates for our school districts.

Senate Floor:

SB 386 – Clint Dixon – To allow sports betting under certain conditions. Passed the floor of the Senate after much debate, 35-15.

We are beginning to see many tax-related bills dropped from both chambers.  We will begin to monitor the impact of these primarily tax breaks or caps on the values of homes. None are supportive of the K-12 Public Education governance process.  These bills are heard in WAYS and MEANS committees from either chamber.

The General Assembly is not in session tomorrow or Monday due to attending the Funeral services for House Rules Chairman Richard Smith who passed away earlier this week. GSSA sends our condolences and prayers of support to his family.  The Legislature will return to business on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, for day 15.

Have a good evening.

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